IntelligentCARE Call systems for disability and psychiatry

Our integrated call system is designed to create security for the employee and the citizen within the field of disability and psychiatry. The system requires no long wires, is easy to set up, reliable and always up to date.

IntelligentCARE Call systems for disability and psychiatry

Our integrated call system is designed to create security for the employee and the citizen within the field of disability and psychiatry. The system requires no long wires, is easy to set up, reliable and always up to date.

IntelligentCARE Call systems for disability and psychiatry

Our integrated call system is designed to create security for the employee and the citizen within the field of disability and psychiatry. The system requires no long wires, is easy to set up, reliable and always up to date.

Trygghet på Sykehjem

IntelligentCARE-systemet virker både innendørs og utendørs og bruker soneplassering, det vil si at den ansatte kan reagere raskt og komme seg til riktig sted når en beboer trenger hjelp.

Systemet kan også settes opp med en trådløs demenssikring. Med en GPS-klokke eller -armbånd er det mulig å varsle den ansatte hvis en dement beboer forlater bestemte områder. Den ansatte kan også se beboerens plassering i IntelligentCAREs mobilapp.

IntelligentCARE kan integreres med ditt nåværende system, men vi leverer også alarmknapper med innebygd fallsensor og overfallsknapp, GPS-klokker, sengesensorer, bevegelsessensorer, dørsensorer osv.

  • GDPR-sertifisert
  • Datasenter ISAE 3402 sertifisert
  • Godkjent for ABA-integrasjon
  • Godkjent av vitenskapsetisk komité

Sicherheit in Pflegeheimen

Das System von IntelligentCARE funktioniert sowohl drinnen als auch draußen und basiert auf Zonenortung. Dies bedeutet, dass der Mitarbeiter schnell reagieren und zum richtigen Zeitpunkt am richtigen Ort sein kann, wenn ein Bürger Hilfe benötigt.

Das System kann auch mit einer drahtlosen Demenzsicherung eingerichtet werden. Mit einer GPS-Uhr oder einem Armband kann der Mitarbeiter benachrichtigt werden, wenn eine Person mit Demenz bestimmte Bereiche verlässt. Außerdem kann der Mitarbeiter die Position dieser Person in der Mobile App von IntelligentCARE sehen.

IntelligentCARE kann in Ihr aktuelles System integriert werden, wir liefern jedoch auch Alarmknöpfe mit integriertem Sturzsensor und Notfallknopf, GPS-Uhren, Bettsensoren, Bewegungssensoren, Türsensoren usw.

  • DSGVO-Zertifizierung
  • ISAE 3402 zertifiziert
  • Genehmigt vom Wissenschaftsausschuss

Safety at work

Our system works both indoors and outdoors, and uses zone positioning, which enables employees to quickly react and be at the right place when a resident or employee needs help.

IntelligentCARE can be integrated with your current system, and we supply alarms such as assault-click alarms, as well as a wide range of other products. Both are also available as jewellery, bracelets, clips for pockets, etc.

Our assault-click alarms are maintenance-free, last for up to 9 years and do not need a battery change. In addition, our assault-click has a built-in GPS and intercom, which gives the employee extra security in the event of problems.

  • GDPR certified
  • Data center ISAE3402 certified
  • Approved for ABA integration
  • Approved by the scientific ethics committee
  • Alarms for staff and residential homes
  • Staff with bed sensor
  • Alarms for staff and residential homes

Safety at work

Our system works both indoors and outdoors, and uses zone positioning, which enables employees to quickly react and be at the right place when a resident or employee needs help.

IntelligentCARE can be integrated with your current system, and we supply alarms such as assault-click alarms, as well as a wide range of other products. Both are also available as jewellery, bracelets, clips for pockets, etc.

Our assault-click alarms are maintenance-free, last for up to 9 years and do not need a battery change. In addition, our assault-click has a built-in GPS and intercom, which gives the employee extra security in the event of problems.

  • GDPR certified
  • Data center ISAE3402 certified
  • Approved for ABA integration
  • Approved by the scientific ethics committee

Core services

Personnel safety

  • Simple alarm with zone positioning
  • Smart alarm with room positioning
  • Alarm with conversation and GPS

Fall alarms

  • Alarms with integrated fall detection
  • Bed sensors
  • Motion sensors


  • Locks for medicine cabinets
  • Battery-powered locks
  • Locks that can be opened with a keyfob, keycard, remote control

Early tracing

  • Bed sensors
  • Motion sensors
  • Door sensor