Wandering alarm with RFID

Wandering alarm (NT-SMID-869-RFID)

Used for care recipients and staff in nursing homes and institutions. The device automatically sends the care recipients location when they pass by a wireless dementia ring.

Automatic door opening solution / dementia security for care recipients with dementia:
The device automatically unlocks the door when a resident approaches their OWN door, thereby preventing care recipients with dementia from entering each other’s rooms. The door lock is always active from the inside, thus approved as an emergency exit. Staff and relatives can always open the door from the outside using a key fob or key card.

CM-serie: Unit works as a wander alarm
NT-serie: The device has all possible applications.

Please contact us for more information about this product.


  • Used as a wristband or necklace. (The package includes both.)
  • It can also be used as a clip on clothing, and there is an option to attach button covers or jewelry covers to the device. (Both items need to be ordered separately.)
  • Long battery life and batteries can be replaced without the use of tools.
  • Can be used both outdoors and indoors.
  • IP65
  • Has room positionering


  • Alarm is activated by pressing the button. When the alarm is received and confirmed, a green LED light will illuminate. If the alarm cannot be confirmed, it will automatically resend the alarm.
  • Alarms are received through the IntelligentCARE app.
  • All alarms are location-based and include information about which care recipient / staff member activated the alarm.
  • Low battery / offline alarm

The device communicates with the IntelligentCARE gateway.

Item number